Taking the Time to Solve Snoring Issues With an ENT

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Solve Snoring Issues – What You Need to Know

Most people are familiar with the unpleasant sound of snoring while sleeping. Occasional snoring may not be a serious concern, but chronic or severe snoring can have serious health implications. For these reasons, it’s important to solve snoring issues as soon as possible.

What Causes Snoring?

Up to 40 percent of adults suffer from regular snoring. The condition is more common in men than in women and in those over the age of 70 compared to younger adults.

Snoring occurs when obstructed air flow through the nose and mouth causes loud vibrations in the back of the throat. Common causes include overweight (due to excessive neck tissue), enlarged tonsils (most common in children), use of alcohol or drugs, and cold or sinus infections. A physical deformity of the nose, such as a deviated septum, may also block air flow and cause snoring. Aging may weaken the muscles in the throat and bring about this noisy nuisance.

Are There Health Implications to Snoring?

Snoring can disrupt sleep patterns. This can leave you feeling unrested, even if you have a full night’s sleep. Snoring affects REM sleep, the stage of sleep most closely related to memory and mood regulation. Severe and chronic snoring may cause periods of completely obstructed breathing during the night. This condition, called obstructive sleep apnea, can overwork the heart due to reduced blood oxygen levels. Sleep apnea may be fatal if left untreated.

Can You Treat Snoring?

A sleep professional should evaluate chronic snoring to determine the cause of the condition and the appropriate treatment. A sleep study may be required. Surgery can correct a deviated septum or other physical abnormality. A nasal mask can be worn at night to provide continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) into the throat.

Is There Self-Help for The Occasional Snorer?

At-home treatments may reduce occasional episodes of snoring. Maintain a healthy weight, avoid using drugs and alcohol at least four hours before bedtime, sleep on your side instead of your back, and elevate the head of your bed.

Any snoring is a sign of airway obstruction and may indicate a serious health condition. If these self-help remedies do not reduce snoring, consult an ENT for further evaluation.

Contact Us for Help With Snoring

Dr. Dedo is triple board certified in ear, nose and throat and facial/cosmetic surgery. He has been fully accredited by the AAAHC for 37 years. This accreditation affords patients the assurance of safety and credibility. If you are experiencing any troubles with your ears, nose, or throat, contact us today for a thorough evaluation.