Treating Headaches with Your ENT Doctor in Palm Beach

treating headaches

It is common to suffer from headaches occasionally. Most of the time, headaches do not require any medical intervention. However, sometimes you may suffer from persistent headaches that force you to seek medical attention. It is highly recommended that you visit the office of an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist if you have symptoms that point to sinus headaches or if you are always suffering from migraines.

Some of ENT problems that can cause headaches

There is a myriad of problems associated with the ear, nose, and throat that can cause headaches and possibly migraines. If you are suffering from tonsillitis, sinusitis or ear infection, you have an elevated risk of having a headache. This is because these infections can affect the nerves around the face. Managing the causes and treating these infections can relieve you of headaches.

According to medical research, one of the day-to-day causes of headaches is sinusitis. This infection is caused by the inflammation of the sinuses. You will have the following symptoms if you have got sinusitis:

• Fever
• Aches in your tooth and jaw
• Blocked nose
• Increased pressure around the eyes and nose
• Pains in the face

In addition, when you blow your nose or lean forward, you will find that your pain intensifies.
A pain in your ear may mean that you have an ear infection. This pain can be transferred to other parts of your body and transform into muscular pain and headaches. You will often be given an antibiotic to treat your ear infections when you visit your doctor. Nevertheless, if you suffer from these infections repeatedly, it is best that you seek the help of an ENT doctor.

How do ENT specialists relieve you of headaches?

You should visit an ENT doctor if you suffer from recurrent headaches or chronic sinusitis. ENT specialists are knowledgeable in managing and treating infections of the ears nose and throat.
You are likely to have sinus headaches when your sinuses are swollen or blocked. Facial pain and headaches are the common symptoms of sinusitis.

When the infection is still mild, you can try out some of the different self-treatment techniques at home. Easing swelling usin

g cold and hot compresses, using over the counter medication and breathing moist hair can alleviate your symptoms. However, if you suffer from severe cases of headaches or if your condition doesn’t improve then you may require more intensive treatment from an ENT doctor.

What your ENT doctor will do

The first thing an ENT specialist will ask you when you visit him/her is your symptoms. In serious cases, the doctor may order a CT scan. This can help them determine the severity of the blockage by looking closely at your sinuses and nasal passages. The most common treatment that will be administered to you is antibiotics and decongestants. These can help improve your situation. If your case is serious, your doctor may recommend surgery. ENT specialists often use endoscopic techniques in such situations.

There are a number of common reasons why you might experience headaches. You may be tired, dehydrated or just under the weather. However, if your headache persists then it is advisable that you see an ENT doctor. You should look out for additional symptoms like a blocked nose, dental and facial pain, and sore ears if your headache is ongoing.

Your doctor will carry out a series of tests and assessments. These can help identify the possible cause of your pain and establish the truth about a diagnosis. Hopefully, the treatment options given to you will put an end to your persistent headaches.